Exhibition dates: April 17 – May 19, 2019
Exhibit Hours: Thursdays – Sundays, 11 am – 4 pm
41 Ross Alley, San Francisco 94108
Opening Reception: April 17, 6-8 pm
Opening night will also present a chair conversation with ALEXANDMUSHI and poetry reading from JiaJing Liu
Additional Programming:
May 4 from 2-3:30 pm Crossing Walls with Astrid Kaemmerling
展覽日期: 4/17 – 5/19
開放時間: 逢星期四至日,上午11時至下午4時
開幕: 4月17日,星期三,晚上6時至8時
開幕當晚也會呈現 ALEXANDMUSHI的座談以及JiaJing Liu的詩朗讀
額外項目:5月4日,星期六,下午2時至3時30分:Astrid Kaemmerling 交叉圍墻
Exhibition dates: April 17 – May 19, 2019
Exhibit Hours: Thursdays – Sundays, 11 am – 4 pm
41 Ross Alley, San Francisco 94108
Opening Reception: April 17, 6-8 pm
Opening night will also present a chair conversation with ALEXANDMUSHI and poetry reading from JiaJing Liu
Additional Programming:
May 4 from 2-3:30 pm Crossing Walls with Astrid Kaemmerling
展覽日期: 4/17 – 5/19
開放時間: 逢星期四至日,上午11時至下午4時
開幕: 4月17日,星期三,晚上6時至8時
開幕當晚也會呈現 ALEXANDMUSHI的座談以及JiaJing Liu的詩朗讀
額外項目:5月4日,星期六,下午2時至3時30分:Astrid Kaemmerling 交叉圍墻
Exhibition dates: April 17 – May 19, 2019
Exhibit Hours: Thursdays – Sundays, 11 am – 4 pm
41 Ross Alley, San Francisco 94108
Opening Reception: April 17, 6-8 pm
Opening night will also present a chair conversation with ALEXANDMUSHI and poetry reading from JiaJing Liu
Additional Programming:
May 4 from 2-3:30 pm Crossing Walls with Astrid Kaemmerling
展覽日期: 4/17 – 5/19
開放時間: 逢星期四至日,上午11時至下午4時
開幕: 4月17日,星期三,晚上6時至8時
開幕當晚也會呈現 ALEXANDMUSHI的座談以及JiaJing Liu的詩朗讀
額外項目:5月4日,星期六,下午2時至3時30分:Astrid Kaemmerling 交叉圍墻
Leymusoom SarangBang Grand Opening
(레이무숨 사랑방 개장 행사 // 六毋神之舍廊房慶典)
The Rabbit Hole | Lucky Rabbit Pictures

41 Ross Artist-in-Residence
The Rabbit Hole | Lucky Rabbit Pictures
November 15, 2022 - February 15, 2023
As the newest 41 Ross Artist-in-Residence, Lucky Rabbit Pictures will be transforming 41 Ross into "The Rabbit Hole", an art space dedicated to supporting arts + culture and Chinatown businesses by bridging the gap between monolingual Chinatown residents and Chinese-Americans. Public programming includes open houses, film screenings + workshops, and a youth art exhibition.
In addition, Lucky Rabbit Pictures will be producing a documentary surrounding the impending demolition of the Portsmouth Square Bridge (the famous “Chinabanks Bridge,”) and the inhabitants of this urban jungle: the Chinese elderly, skaters, and the pigeons. In addition, they will be developing a television series - an anthology science fiction series set in the California ghost town Locke -- the last rural Chinatown in America. Inspired by 'The Twilight Zone,' the series will explore the only town made by the Chinese for the Chinese.
"There is a gap in understanding between the public (and even American born Asians) with Asians from Asia. I want to explore how we can find common ground, and create art that grants others access to unravel their identity like I am having right now. Maybe in this way we can create a new community."
- Spencer Tsang
More Info on Artists & 41 Ross Artist-in-Residence
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