June 1, 2023 - August 25, 2023
Generation Chinatown is a youth artist in residence program, designed to foster a learning space for high school aged youth to explore a diverse range of creative practices, build leadership skills, and create art activations to enhance neighborhood recovery and foster youth innovation. The CCC believes the arts is a powerful force in community development and this starts with building creative capacity to inspire different generations to invest in their neighborhood’s future through arts and culture.
The Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco (CCC) presents "Eclipse: A Youth Arts Exhibition" at 41 Ross storefront studio, featuring Generation Chinatown artists:
Michelle, Lauren, Gabby, Gen, Alexandra, Vicky, Jackie.
中華文化中心(CCC)為大家呈現《月食:青年藝術家展》。地點:41舊呂宋巷店面展廳,參展的”華埠世代“藝術家包括Michelle, Lauren, Gabby, Gen, Alexandra, Vicky 和 Jackie。
El centro cultura china de San Francisco (CCC) presentan “El Eclipse de luna: un exposición de arte juventud” en el estudio de la tienda 41 Ross, que sale artistas de Generación del Barrio China: Michelle, Lauren, Gabby, Gen, Alexandria, Vicky, y Jackie.
“Eclipse” centers on the perspective of seven San Francisco-raised high school youth and their dedication to healing, resilience, and empowerment. Each of these artists are using their work to process complex experiences with healing, intergenerational trauma, grief, love, and joy. Much of the work sheds light on overlooked stories from youth about their perspectives. In creating such deeply vulnerable bodies of artwork, the youth artists of Generation Chinatown invite viewers of “Eclipse” to reflect upon their own relationships to these personal-yet-deeply universal experiences.
“El Eclipse de luna” se enfoca sobre la perspectiva de jóvenes de escuela secundaria criados en San Francisco y sus dedicación a la curación, resistencia, y empoderamiento. Cada una de las artistas están utilizando sus obras para procesar experiencias complejas con la curación, trauma intergeneracional, aflicción, amor, y alegría. Gran parte de las obras arrojan cierta luz en historias pasado por alto de juventud sobre sus perspectivas. En creando tales profundamente vulnerables masas de obras, los jóvenes de Generación del Barrio China invitan a los espectadores de “El Eclipse de luna” a reflexionar sobre sus propias relaciones con estas experiencias universales personales pero profundas.