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Simple Interactions | soundpocket, Andio Lai, and Tsang Hoi-yu // 「簡單交往」| 聲音掏腰包、黎仲民和曾凱渝

October 10, 2022 – October 31, 2022

“Simple Interactions” is an artist residency and community outreach programme that connects Hong Kong-based artists Andio Lai and Tsang Hoi-yu, and soundpocket with the San Francisco Chinatown community. Flying in from 6927 miles away, the first-timers are ready to indulge themselves in this familiar yet eccentric neighborhood. Fascinated by transforming ready-made objects into interactive instruments, Lai will work on a series of sound objects with items collected from the locals. He will also look into the history of the area’s daily sound technologies, such as the telephone exchange in San Francisco Chinatown from before the rotary dial phone was introduced in the late 40s. Tsang’s interest in individuals forming a collective leads her to research the immigrants’ individual patterns of speech and their forms of communication in relation to the cultural context of Chinatown. She will interview residents in their native languages and present her findings as they emerge at 41 Ross. soundpocket will present the ongoing Sound Scoop project by bringing sounds from Hong Kong to San Francisco Chinatown during the residency. 

藝術家駐留和社區外展計劃「簡單交往」將連繫香港藝術家黎仲民、曾凱渝及聲音掏腰包與三藩市唐人街的社區。飛越 6927 英哩,初次探訪三藩市的兩位藝術家已準備好投身於這個既熟悉又新奇的社區。黎仲民熱愛將現成物轉化成具互動性的樂器,他將收集當地居民的物品來製作一系列聲音物件。同時,他亦會研究日常聲音技術的歷史,例如在撥號電話於 1940 年代後期推出之前,舊金山唐人街的人手電話接駁系統。基於對個體如何組成群體之過程的興趣,曾凱渝將進行有關唐人街移民的個人言說方式、溝通和該社區文化背景的研究。她將以街坊的母語訪問他們,並在舊呂宋巷 41 持續地展示她的發現。聲音掏腰包則會展示一直進行的「細聲公」項目,在駐留期間把香港的聲音帶到三藩市唐人街。



- October 15th -29th

- October 26th - 29th

- October 29th


soundpocket is a registered charity founded in 2008. It promotes the art of sound and listening and its research and education in Hong Kong.

The Library by soundpocket is a website of sounds that tell stories about Hong Kong culture and society. It aims at creating a community of active listeners who are curious about listening as a way of knowing ourselves and each other. It also aims at contributing to our public culture of listening. |

Tsang Hoi-yu

Freelancer. Tsang currently participates in sound and performing art creations.

As Simone Weil said in​ Oppression and Liberty:​ “They cannot stop us from working towards a clear comprehension of the object of our efforts, so that, if we cannot accomplish that which we will, we may at least have willed it, and not just have blindly wished for it; and, on the other hand, our weakness may indeed prevent us from winning, but not from comprehending the force by which we are crushed. Nothing in the world can prevent us from thinking clearly.”

Andio Lai Chung Man

Andio Lai Chung Man is interested in making sound objects and machine art, some are

built to be used in his sonic performances. He obtained BA (Hons) in Creative Media,

School of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong & MA in Fine Arts at The

Chinese University of Hong Kong.Through the practice of Media Archeology, studying

tools development and the relative history of interfaces, his works focus on the subject

matter of experimental instrument, playing, toys and human-machine relation.



41 Ross Alley   San Francisco   CA 94108       |       |       © 2021 by 41Ross

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